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The Connect Lead Innovate Motivate Belong (CLIMB) LLC is for students in the John Chambers College of Business and Economics.

climb llc

This community is open to students who are in any major in B&E, and who are interested in extending their education beyond the walls of the classroom. Students will develop skills that are important to aspiring business professionals.


Where Will I Live?

The CLIMB community resides in Summit Hall (floor 9) in the Sunnyside neighborhood. Students will live in suite-style housing. Other amenities include on-site dining services, high-speed internet, study rooms, and much more. Students will also have an opportunity to be involved in the larger residence hall community and will be able to participate in all events and activities that occur in the hall.

Summit Hall


How Can I Join?

  1. For more information about joining the CLIMB Living-Learning Community, contact Kyle Patrick.

    Email Kyle Patrick

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