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Television Information


WVU provides students living in residence halls an incredible HD cable TV package. To make sure you can take advantage of this fantastic service, keep these things in mind:

  • To enjoy HD cable television in your residential rooms, you must have an HD TV  with a digital tuner either built-in or as a separate unit.
  • Not all HD TVs have a built-in digital tuner, and some older ones that do have it won’t work with the newest cable systems.
  • Old-style CRT (tube) TV s will not work with these new digital HD services.
  • If your TV does not have a digital tuner built-in, or is an older model that is not compatible with the system used by WVU, we recommend two options: the ATX VM1-1 QAM Tuner or IVIEW 3500STB-III.
  • Make sure to bring a coax cable if you have to purchase the standalone digital tuner. 

If you run into any problems, such as loss of service or channel availability, contact Boldyn Networks (866) 502-4590.

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