Making WVU Your Home
Moving in for the first time? Returning to campus? We have you covered on how to make WVU your home away from home.
Review opening and closing datesMoving in for the first time? Returning to campus? We have you covered on how to make WVU your home away from home.
Review opening and closing datesThe WVU move-in process is a three-day event and will take place Thursday, August 14 through Saturday, August 16 from 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. All students will sign up for a two-hour time slot starting in June to ensure a smooth process for all residents and their families.
Residents must reserve a time slot to ensure as smooth a move-in process as possible for all residents. If you are authorized for an early arrival, before August 14, because of participation in a required University program, (ex. Band, Adventure WV or ROTC) you will receive more information from your sponsoring department as you will be manually assigned to a timeslot.
When the registration process opens in early June, residents will receive a MIX email instructing them to log in to our web portal ( to schedule a time slot for move-in; the deadline to register is Wednesday, August 6. There will be two-hour time slots for each residence hall every day, starting at 8:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 1:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., beginning Thursday, August 14 and continuing through Saturday, August 16. On Saturday August 16 the 4:00-6:00pm timeslot is not available to accommodate student travel to their first welcome week event at 5:00pm.
Once the registration process is complete, you will receive an email confirmation for your selected date and time. If you need to reschedule your move-in timeslot, please log in at and cancel your existing appointment; you will need to go through the selection process again.
If you have questions related to move-in, please email
Welcome to West Virginia University! Moving in to your residence hall can be a difficult time - traffic, knowing where to go, and your parents crying because they miss you already. But don't worry, our guides are here to help.
Prepare for move-in with these tips, then review our move-in day details.
University housing closes during breaks and reopens at the beginning of each semester. View the opening and closing dates.
Dining plans will be active when you move in. Students living in a WVU residence hall must have a dining plan, so be sure to review your options and make the choice that best fits your lifestyle....and appetite!
Bills were assessed and sent to your MIX email account during the first week of July if you have a balance due. Your bill was determined based upon your room assignment at that time. For information about your bill or payment, contact The WVU Hub.
For fire and other safety considerations, certain items are not permitted in student rooms including:
This list is not comprehensive. Housing and Residence Life reserves the right to ask students to remove items that are considered unsafe or disruptive.
See our full list of prohibited items.
Follow these steps for a smooth move-in day
Follow our routes to reduce congestion.
Find your community - Evansdale, Downtown or Sunnyside - and select your hall to find the detailed directions.
See Driving DirectionsOnce you pull up to your residence hall, you can head inside to the front desk and check-in. We ask that only you go and grab the key while your family/friends stay at the car and begin unloading.
You may park your vehicle in a WVU-designated parking area are leaving the unloading zone. Volunteers and University Police can provide directions to short-term parking areas.
These short-term lots (2-hour maximum) are busy all day, so as soon as you have completed move-in, please move your vehicle off-campus (the Coliseum or a downtown parking garage). Do not park in any restricted areas, handicap-accessible spaces, private lots, etc. You could be fined and/or towed.
Please unload your belongings and begin taking items to your room. Once your vehicle is unloaded, you will move your vehicle out of the unloading zone as quickly as possible. Please include contact information on the parking tag you were given at check-in and hang it from your vehicle’s rear view mirror. If your vehicle is left unattended for an extended period, it may be towed; we will attempt to contact you first.
We will provide a move-in cart for you to use to load your items into (similar to those used in hotels for laundry). There is a possibility they will be all signed out, so we also recommend bringing a dolly, cart and/or other items to successfully move you into your room.
It’s important for you to unload your vehicle and get everything into your room before you begin unpacking and decorating. Don’t stress—you have plenty of time to make your room your own! You can always go shopping to purchase what you need and order items from online and get them shipped to your front desk.
In your room you will find all your room furnishings including a study desk, chair, dresser, drapes, desk lamps, wastebaskets, and your bed with mattress. To find the room dimensions for you hall visit our Residence Hall page, click your hall and scroll down until you find the room dimensions link (each hall has their own room dimensions page so it is important you choose your hall.)
Note: If you have a multi-positional bed, please do not use the “top” rung on the bed ends. The frame may be damaged when this setting is used (keep in mind that not all beds are adjustable). Many students are charged for damages that occur to the frames. We apologize for any inconvenience.
If you want to raise your bed, you may use the 6 inch plastic risers which can be found at any mass merchandiser.
Please take all trash and recyclables to the dumpsters located outside your residence hall.
Keep an eye out for posted materials from your RA regarding your floor meetings and Welcome Week meetings.
Even though you may have a favorite "back way" through campus, Move-In Day directions were planned to eliminate as much congestion as possible.
602 North High Street Morgantown, WV 26506
Main Desk Phone:
600 North High Street Morgantown, WV 26506
Main Desk Phone:
693 North High Street Morgantown, WV 26506
Main Desk Phone:
691 North High Street Morgantown, WV 26506
Main Desk Phone:
250 2nd Street Morgantown, WV 26506
Main Desk Phone:
2151 University Ave Morgantown, WV 26506
Main Desk Phone: 304-293-2840
211 Grant Avenue Morgantown, WV 26506
Main Desk Phone:
356 Evansdale Drive Morgantown, WV 26506
Main Desk Phone:
356 Evansdale Drive Morgantown, WV 26506
Main Desk Phone:
1014 Rawley Avenue Morgantown, WV 26506
Main Desk Phone:
438 Oakland Street Morgantown, WV 26505
Main Desk Phone:
Get Oakland Hall East/West and Oakland Apartments Directions
Residents will be expected to complete their move-in process, including check-in, unloading and moving their items to their rooms within a two-hour time slot. The limit is in place to provide adequate drop-off spaces, temporary parking, move-in carts, etc.
Residents should check-in at their residence hall desk - please arrive at your scheduled move-in time. Once you have checked in, you can unload your car and bring in your belongings.
Once your car is unloaded, please move it to the designated temporary parking lot for your residence hall. Cars left unattended in the designated drop-off zone may be towed. The two-hour time slot applies to the temporary parking lots as well.
Mountaineer ID cards will be available for students to pick up at their residence hall front desk when they check-in as part of the move-in process. If you haven't submitted a photo for an ID please do so as soon as possible at You'll be prompted to login to complete the process.
Several four-sided carts (similar to those used in hotels for laundry) will be available at each hall during check-in. Carts are limited, so you may bring your own dolly to assist with move in.
Students can leave the hall and return, however parking will not be available due to the on-going move-in process. Please note that streets around the residence halls are congested and crossing traffic patterns to return to your hall adds to the congestion.
If you are returning to your hall while move-in is ongoing, your family should drop you off outside the designated move-in areas to allow other students to access their residence hall during their scheduled move-in time slot.
Resident Assistants will have floor meetings each day during move-in. They will have a list of students moving in each day and will send emails with information about meetings and any other updates. Residents should check their MIX email account and watch for signs posted on their floor. There will be staff at residence hall's front desk who can answer questions.
If a student is not able to arrive on campus by the first day of classes, they must contact the Housing Assignments Office at 304-293-2811. If a student does not contact the Housing Assignments Office, their room assignment could be changed.
We ask families to bring only ONE vehicle with them to move in, as parking on campus is limited. We also do not recommend bringing U-Hauls during move-in as some of the side streets that we utilize during move-in are very tight and you may have difficulty driving through them and turning around. If a student does not contact the Housing Assignments Office, their room assignment could be changed.