Even though you may have a route that you would normally use to reach your residence hall, please follow this Move-In Day route as it was planned to help eliminate as much crossover traffic and congestion as possible
Turn on Campus Drive from Beechurst Ave
- Turn right onto University Avenue from Campus Drive (at light)
- Turn left onto College Avenue from University Avenue
- Turn right onto Maiden Lane
- Be mindful of lane you take at separation; stay in right lane
- Follow signs and, if present, directions of Police and/or staff for
location to unload:
- Check in is located in the office in Boreman North.
- After unloading, please place 2-hour temporary parking permit on your windshield
and move vehicle to short term parking downtown or campus lots on Beechurst.
- Follow High St to downtown short term parking
- Or, take right onto Prospect Street, then left on University Avenue, then right onto Hough Street to find parking in lots on Beechurst Avenue.